
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I just pinned this with the PinMyPhoto app (!

The Almost Tohoku Tote

  Inspired by I Am Momma Hear Me Roar.


The Almost Tohoku Tote Information

I saw this wonderful tote tutorial on I AM MOMMA HEAR ME ROAR blogg and I just had to make, so much so that I went to bed going over the steps in my head all night. So I got up this morning in search of the right fabric. The supplies called for interfacing which I didn't have on hand so I decided I must use a sturdy fabric. What fabric on hand is more sturdy than DENIM. I gathered my fabrics and printed out the pattern. When I grabbed the pattern off the printer it didn't come out right. I was so hurt.....But I said I can use my own measurements and create this wonderful bag, and that is exactly what I did and this is how it turned out.

 I was so happy with the results. I did take step by step pictures to post as a tutorial however my camera's card is a XD card and not a SD card so I'm unable to post the steps at this time but I soon will be able to. Hope you like it XOXOXOX! B.H.M 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I found some old bangles/bracelets that I rarely used and decided to turn them into something new.......

I was inspired by a DIY Bangles I saw on pinterest...... I couldnt find a tutorial so I used my own mind and figured it out. Kinda the same way I create head bands on plastic frames. I had so much fun. The materials I used are things I had on hand. Some old bracelets/bangles and some old t-shirts. Yes T-shirts. I will never give anything to Goodwill

                                                B.H.M Brownie's Handmades


I'm new to blogging but I am excited to try it out. A mother of 3 I finally have some time to do all the things I have always loved doing at that's Sewing, and Recreating old things into New ones. So In the past week I have drawn inspiration form others that share my same passion to replicate and create some new things of my own.